Advanced Life Support (ALS) Level 3 (VTQ)

117 videos, 6 hours and 42 minutes

Course Content

Child and infant CPR Theory

Video 79 of 117
4 min 46 sec
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Child CPR Sequence of Events and Techniques

Understanding Cardiac Arrest in Children

Differences in Causes and Priorities

  • Child vs. Adult: Distinct Sequence of Events
  • Hypoxic Spiral: A Common Path to Cardiac Arrest in Children
  • Managing Child Arrest: Prioritizing Hypoxia Correction
  • Initial Ventilations: Providing Five Rescue Breaths
  • Optimizing Ratios: 15 Compressions to 2 Inflations
  • Child vs. Adult: Recognizing the Difference
  • Universal Action: 30:2 CPR Ratio

Child CPR requires an understanding of the unique sequence of events leading to cardiac arrest in children. Addressing hypoxia, providing initial ventilations, and adjusting techniques based on the child's size are crucial elements of effective child CPR.

Proper Hand Placement for Chest Compressions

Adapting to the Child's Size

  • Infants: Two-Finger Technique, Nipple Placement
  • Larger Children: Heel of Hand for Adequate Depth
  • Bigger Children: Transition to Two-Hand Compressions

Adjusting hand placement during chest compressions is essential, ensuring effective compression depth for the child's size, whether it's an infant or a larger child.

Optimal Airway Management

Gentle Approach for Child and Infant Airways

  • Neutral Alignment: Using Support under Shoulders
  • Soft Tissues: Gentle Handling of Child's Airway
  • Firm Structures: Maintain Contact with Cheekbones and Mandible
  • Adequate Chest Movement: Key Indicator during Inflations

Proper airway management in children and infants requires a gentle approach, maintaining neutral alignment, and focusing on chest movement during inflations.